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Course Syllabus


The Project in Android is a 5.0pt course which is constructed from two adjacent courses:

  • Android Based Development (236272) – 2.0 points
  • Project in Android (236272) - 3.0 points

During the semester, the students will learn the principles of developing an Android application with a key emphasis on:

  • UI development with the Material Design principles
  • Cloud-based services using Firebase
  • Agile development with Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP)

The applications will be developed with Google's new framework, Flutter 2.0.



The course requires that you have either taken 236703 (Object Oriented Programming), or have equivalent/relevant knowledge of object-oriented programming.


The projects are built in teams of three students. To enroll, you must already have:

  • A team of three students
  • 1-2 ideas for a project

Project Ideas

Your project idea should generally follow these key points:

  • New – The idea was not previously implemented in this course (refer to the ICST website for previous projects), and it does not exist (for example: do not submit an idea for "The New and Improved Instagram" or "Waze 2.0").
  • Motivated – The idea should have a clear motivation, and a clear and existing problem that it attempts to solve. Ideas that do not target a clear and consice problem
  • Targeted – You should clearly define who is the target audience of the application. For example: Airbnb is an app for people who seek afforadble and available accomodation for a short time, and for people who can offer their accomodation for short-term rentals.
  • Feasible – The idea is narrow enough that it can be implemented in a semester, but feature-rich enough to account for an intereseting and active development process.


During the first month of the semester, you will submit three homework assignments, to exercise programming
