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This app gives platform for both apartment searcher and partners shearchers to find their best apartment/partners. Moreover, It gives the partners platform to manage apartment's bills, shoping, etc.


Lately, we've noticed that many students struggle to find a partner's apartment around the University. Those struggles also meet with other people looking for partners apartment. Social media has too many groups, which make the search cumbersome & inefficient. Moreover, many of those apartments are published privately on Facebook wall, and might not reach the optional partner. We find it necessary to have a united platform both for finding apartments and finding partners.

Core Features

  • publish an apartment and search potential partners according to some personal qualities match.
  • search for an apartment according to selected features & partners qualities.
  • manage apartment bills, shopping list, etc.

Complementary features

  • suggest to users best-fitted apartments/partners.
  • Save your favorites potential partners for later contact them.
  • Save your favorites potential apartments for later checking it.
